Food and Care Department of Ánanda Márga has got a grand scope for expansion while rendering services to suffering humanity by providing food and care to one and all needy and deserving persons of entire human society as well as to other living beings.
Scope of Activity
All work concerning the four sections of Food and Care Department.
All work concerning the six sections of Food & Care Department
1. All children and other members of ÁM institutions. - Nr Yajiṋa
2. All WTs, LFTs and Moralist. - Nr Yajiṋa
3. Old WTs, LFTs and Moralist. - Nr Yajiṋa
4. All moralists; all old and invalid persons even if they are immoral and antisocial elements (antisocial elements of today may be sadvipra of tomorrow.) Nr Yajiṋa
5. All Human Beings (including immoral and antisocial elements), all old and invalid domestic animals; decaying species of Fauna and flora. - Nr Yajiṋa
6. Plants and animals, fodder for animals, food for birds, water and fertilizer for plants. Bhuta Yajiṋa,
Duties of Food and Care Department
1. Procurement and supply of food grains
2. To start and manage canteens
3. Collection of food grains, clothes, medicines, and other necessities
4. Purchasing all the agricultural produce of Farm Department.
5. Inspection of food stock
6. Inspection of canteen
7. Start Invalid’s Home (Aksham Purus Nivas - male and Aksham Nari Nivas - ladies)
Sections of Food and Care Department
1. Food and Care Section for workers – homes, hostels, canteens and workers messes
2. Food and Care Section for general Ánanda Márgiis
3. Food and Care Section for general public
4. Cooking and Catering
Food and Care 1, 2 and 3 are to help Relief In-charges 2 and 3 according to their capacity.
Food & Care Department will get maximum cooperation to achieve these objectives from:
a) All children and other members of ÁM institutions.
b) Old and invalid WTs, LFTs and Moralists. ↔ AMURT AMURTEL
c) All WTs, LFTs and Moralists. ↔ AMURT AMURTEL
d) All moralists. ↔ AMURT AMURTEL
e) All human beings including immoral and anti-social. ↔ AMURT AMURTEL
f) Old and invalid animals. ↔ PCAP&CL
g) Decaying species of fauna and flora. ↔ PCAP&CL
h) All animals and plants. ↔ PCAP&CL
Food and Care Department will addresses the problems of food and proper care of all beings in society and strive to find solutions for:
* Raising public awareness regarding the world food problem
* Promote “Food for All” movements.
* Publish literature relating to these critical issues.
Workers of Food & Care Department
They are all Workers of ÁMPS.
Food & Care Department Workers’ Qualifications
They are workers of ÁMPS. They must have a fair knowledge on all kind of construction material and system. They should possess basic skills in general construction management.
1) They must be adamantly strong in 16 Points.
* They must have a fair knowledge of our social and spiritual philosophy.
* They must have fair knowledge in the four Sectional duties of F&C Department.
* They must have a melodious voice for Kiirtana; fitting body for Lalitá Mármika, Kaośikii and Tandava; a sweet and smiling behaviour to have a soothing effect on the suffering humanity.
* They should have a fair knowledge in their mother tongue and be able to express themselves in simple written and spoken English; EMS should start English Teaching Classes for the Workers of Food & Care who do not know English but wish to learn it.
Food & Care Global Basic Training Centre – F&C-GBTC
There should be an F&C-GBTC in Nairobi Sector in a Region where the food Shortage is acute. And where there is no LFT Training Center. In this F&C-GBTC Workers will undergo training just like the UPYF in GT Sector.
Food & Care Assistant Secretary Central
The Assistant Food and Care Secretary Central have to work directly under the Food and Care Secretary Central and follow the requisite code of the organisation with his HQ at Nairobi.
Food & Care LFT Training Center
F&C - LFT Training Center. The students will learn the entire knowledge imparted during the General LFT Training. They will follow the manual Vidyaságar ‘Ocean of knowledge’ which will be covered in all parts.
The students will learn also individual skills and basic principles of Food & Care systems, including all system of cooperatives.
Morality and cooperative system movements shall be started in all third world countries.
F&C Department will also start a world wide Food For All movement.
Central and the Sectors should publish two magazines every six months. The consolidated constructions activities shall be published and distributed to all the ÁMPS Units. Constructions Department Publications below Sectorial level are optional at present.
Duties and Responsibilities of Canteen In-charge
* To maintain proper daily and monthly accounts of purchase (vegetables etc received from children’s home should also be treated as purchase, and children’s home will receive payment for the same from canteen account).
* To maintain proper daily and monthly account of sales.
* To maintain proper accounts of profit and loss. There must be profit and the profit will go to the Relief Unit.
* To maintain proper accounts of miscellaneous items of purchase and sale.
* In case of main canteen, a daily expense account is also to be maintained for cooked food supplied to branch canteens on loan (which are to be cleared after receiving the sales proceeds). This expense must be cleared daily. i.e. the supply of cooked food to a branch canteen should be just its requirement (on the basis of the preceding week on that day’s sale, under normal conditions).
A certain portion of Regular and special Painca Sevá also comes within the scope of Food and Care Department. It comes under Food and Care 3 (i.e. Food and Care for the general public), so relief In-charge 2 and 3 are to work according to the guiding principles of Food and Care Secretary (or Food and Care In-charge 3) so far as the question of Food and Care are concerned.
Food and Care Secretary (or Food and Care In-charge 3) is to render maximum help to Ánanda Nagar Relief Committee or Committees in connection with Food and Care. Food and Care manager must submit monthly report and return and that is no dearth of food in his jurisdiction to his supervisor (Regional Food and Care Secretary). A similar certificate is to be submitted by Food and Care Secretary to the General Secretary.
Advisory Committee (ACB)
Food & Care Department also has Advisory Committee and working Board right from central level to the village level structure of Central Food & Care Board. In the Central Food & Care Board, the General Secretary Ánanda Márga Central will be the ex-officio chairman of the Board. The Food & Care Secretary will be the Ex-officio Secretary of the Board.
There will be seven sitting members on the Central Food and Care Board who will be selected from amongst the sincere and devoted márgiis, preferably from different regions who have got some practical experience, knowledge or idea of collection of food, cloth, etc and the other necessary work of the Food and Care Department. There will be an Acting Office Supt. of this Central Food and Care Board who is to be selected from amongst the suitable LFT workers if WT if not available.
Appendix from Caryácarya Part 1
Before eating do vyápaka shaoca or half bath properly with cold water; in extremely cold climate use lukewarm water. The system is: Wash the arms, the face, the legs, the neck and the genital organs. Then, keeping the eyes wide open, hold a mouthful of water and gently splash the eyes a minimum of twelve times.
Before sitting down for a meal, invite whatever persons are present around you and share your food with them. If they do not want to share, inquire whether they have enough food with them or not.
At the time of eating find a comfortable sitting position. It is better to eat in company than to eat alone. Do not sit down to eat if you are in an angry mood or in a debased frame of mind.
If several people are eating together from the same plate, make sure that sick persons do not take part. Otherwise healthy persons may become infected. There is no harm, however, in eating together from the same plate if there is no contagious disease among the participants. Rather, this is a nice thing to see.
It is good to take food when the main flow of breath is through the right nostril. Even after meal, it is good if the flow of breath is mainly through the right nostril and continues for some time, because that is the time when the digestive glands start secreting a sufficient quantity of fluids to help digestion.
Food Habits Harmful to Health
* Eating when one is not hungry or only half-hungry
* Eating rich food for days together or over-eating tasty and sumptuous food out of greed.
* Not taking rest after the meal before running off to the office, or filling the stomach with food.
(For proper digestion, fill the stomach halfway with food, one quarter with water, and leave one quarter full of air.)
After finishing the evening meal take a short walk. This is very beneficial to health.
Áhárya - Food
In every object of the universe, one of these three attributes Sattva – Sentient, Rajah – Mutative, Tamah – Static will always be predominant. So food is also divided into three categories according to the dominancy of the attributes.
Sáttvika or Sentient Áhára:
All the staple food-grains such as rice, wheat, barley, etc.; all the pulses except masúr [an orange-coloured lentil] and khesári; all fruits and roots; all kinds of vegetables except violet-coloured carrots, white brinjals [white eggplants], onions, garlic and mushrooms; milk and milk products; all green and leafy vegetables except red puni and mustard.
All varieties of spices except garam masalá (A hot mixture including cardamom, cloves and cinnamon.) and all kinds of sweets, can be taken. A sáttvika diet is required for those who practise ásanas. Those who find it difficult to give up the habit of rájasika food all of a sudden may eat a piece of haritakii [myrobalan] after the meal. Those who take sáttvika food should avoid taking a large quantity of mustard or mustard products. Rájasika food-eaters should gradually try to change over to sáttvika food and támasika food-eaters should try to give up such food as early as possible.
For the avadhútas and avadhútikás of Ánanda Márga there is only one kind of food, sáttvika food.
All foods that are beneficial to both body and mind are considered sáttvika.
Rájasika or Mutative Áhára:
Any food that is beneficial to the body but is neutral to the mind, or vice versa, is called rájasika. Foods that do not fall into the sáttvika or támasika categories are of rájasika nature. In certain countries where there is a heavy snowfall, rájasika food can be treated as sáttvika and támasika food as rájasika.
Támasika or Static Áhára:
All kinds of foods which are harmful to either the body or mind and may or may not be harmful to the other are called támasika.
Stale and rotten food, the flesh of large animals such as cows and buffaloes, and all types of intoxicants, are categorised as támasika.
Small amounts of tea, cocoa and similar drinks which do not excite a person to the point of losing his/her senses are in the rájasika category.
The milk of a newly-calved cow, white brinjals, khesárii dál, green vegetables of the type of red puni or mustard are támasika.
Masúr dál cooked for one meal will become támasika by the next meal.
Persons who have a strong desire for eating meat and those who eat meat out of necessity shall eat only meat from a male or castrated animal. No one should knowingly eat the meat of a female animal. One should not eat even a domestic female fowl.
Do not kill a fish which is one-fourth or less of its normal adult size. Also, do not kill a fish if it is in its infancy or its pregnancy. For instance, at present the female hilsá fish of the Indian Ocean is normally pregnant or in its post-delivery state from Sháradotsava [mid-autumn] to the full moon of the Indian month of Phálguna.
For Children
The main diet for children who are under five years of age is milk, fruits and roots. It is not proper, under any circumstances, to offer non-vegetarian food to children who are under five years of age. When they have reached the age of five, food containing sugar, starch and fatty substances can be given in increasing amounts. Alkaline food is the most beneficial for children.
It is also good to give lime-water or mineral lime (after the lime sediments have settled) to children from time to time.
It is particularly beneficial for children to spend some time every day in the fresh air and sunshine.
Monthly Reports to Submit
Five Common
1) Initiation
Mention the Name and Surname, address, tel. number, e-mail address, date of birth and the date of initiation, and specify if it is Nama Mantra or First Lesson.
2) Follow up
Review of lesson. Specify which lesson was reviewed and or which lesson was given.
3) DDC
Door to Door Contacts
4) WT/LFT Creation
Whole Timer & Local Full Timer sent to Training Center since last report.
5) Fund Collection
Either regular or special donation received; excluding income from commercial activities such as selling books, CDs, yoga classes, renting rooms, etc.
Finance Reports
a) Personal Income and Expenditures
b) Project/S under Direct Supervision
Post Tour Out-Turn
* Consolidated explanation of date and places visited and work done.
Tour Program
* Consolidated date and places to visit and the work intended to accomplish.
Regular Dues
Food & Care Structural Side ACB Jurisdiction and Logistic Operation
* Central F&C Secretary ACB Central Level Jurisdiction
* Asst. F&C Secretary Central ACB Central Level Jurisdiction Supporting
* Sectorial F&C Secretary ACB Sectorial Level Jurisdiction
* Regional F&C Secretary ACB Regional Level Jurisdiction
* Diocese F&C Secretary ACB Diocese Level Jurisdiction
* District F&C Secretary ACB District Level Jurisdiction
* Block F&C Secretary ACB Block Level Jurisdiction
* Paiñcayat F&C Secretary ACB Paiñcayat Level Jurisdiction
* Village F&C Secretary ACB Village Level Jurisdiction
Food & Care Sectorial Ácárya Jurisdiction and Logistic Operation
The Sectorial Food & Care Secretary is
Ác. Avt.
Has been posted in Manila Sector on
His main Office is located in