Dharma Pracára Guidelines

* The Dharma Pracára Department aims to bring everyone on the path of righteousness.

* Supervise the implementation of the Central Dharma Pracára policies as well as maintain regular communication with all Units of Ánanda Márga within the sector.

* Establish a close knit communications system within Manila Sector from Sectorial to Unit Levels.

* Publish newsletters on all levels from Sectorial to ÁMPS Unit Levels.

* Create and implement new systems in propagation of dharmic ideals through classes, slide shows, OSC, DDC, literature and leaflets, magazines, etc.

* Maintain the general discipline and conduct of the Whole Timers and Márgiis as per Yama and Niyama and Conduct Rules.

* Encourage the formation of ÁMPS Unit with Jágrtis; ensure that proper decorum and system of management of Jágrtis is maintained.

* Collect the forms fees from every ÁMPS Unit and renew the same annually.

* Keep an updated list of all Units and offices of Ánanda Márga as well as an address list of all Márgiis within the Sector.

* Character building and training of the ácárya/ás and of the márgiis.

* Assure success in the tour of the Ácáryas in the Sector.

* Character building training of the workers.

Workers of Dharma Pracára Department

* The Dharma Pracára Secretary Central shall have his cadre of workers from top to bottom line from Sector to Village level.

* There should be one Assistant Dharma Pracára Secretary Central (ADPSC), whom will work under direct supervision of Central Dharma Pracára Secretary.

* Workers up to the Regional level shall be Avadhúta; if an Avadhúta is not readily available the work may be temporarily managed by WT or LFT (using the word acting, with their designation).

* Workers below regional level shall be WT; if WT is not readily available the work may be temporarily managed by the LFT or LPT using the word “acting” with their designation.

Dharma Pracára Department Workers’ Qualifications

* They are workers of ÁMPS. They must have a fair knowledge of all philosophical and social treats of Ánanda Márga. The must be strong moralists. They must be strong in 16 Points and must follow strictly Yama and Niyama.


Dharma Pracára Structural Side

* As per rules of ÁMPS


Dharma Pracára Global Basic Training Centre – COM-GBTC

* There should be a DP-GBTC somewhere in ??? Region, where trainees will acquire fair knowledge on all kind of advertising systems. The art of persuasions,


Dharma Pracára LFT Training Center

* DP-LFT Training Center. The students will learn the entire knowledge imparted during the General LFT Training. They will follow the manual Vidyaságar ‘Ocean of knowledge’ which will be covered in all parts.

* The students will learn also individual skills, and develop the art of oratory and skill in presenting to the public the Ánanda Márga Philosophy. They will also learn to organize seminars, conferences, Sammelana and other social and spiritual program for the gathering of members of Ánanda Márga.

* Dharma Pracára is essential in promoting the ideology of Ánanda Márga to the public, and to institutions so the LFT of the Dharma Pracára Department shall be well versed in the Ánanda Márga Philosophy. They are the messengers of the sublime teaching of our beloved Guru Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti.



* Morality and anticorruption movements are the main and most important theme to be addressed by the Dharma Pracára movement. Magazines

* From Central Level to Unit Level Dharma Pracára Department should publish regular magazine or just a simple newsletter.

* Central should publish two magazines every six months.

* All the Ánanda Márga Units shall publish their monthly newsletter.

There are six sections of Dharma Pracára Department

1. Discipline section
* Supervise avadhútas, ácárya/ás, táttvika and other whole time workers and the general márgii public in maintaining their respective code of conduct for which this section of Dharma Pracára Department is to maintain confidential records. * Where discipline has not been strictly adhered to, taking strict action against the Party at fault by appointing a tribunal or enquiry commission or by some other means as per the rules.
2. Units, account and circular section
* Register Units and keep account of registration fees and issue circulars in proper time.
3. Initiation section
Oversee that initiation is increasing day by day both among individuals and among the mass (mass initiation) and also to maintain proper records in this connection.
4. Mass Contact Section
Contact the mass through Cheap Literature Series (CLS) and through other media.
5. Training Section
To train whole time workers and other workers through permanent training centres and also to train the general public by temporary training arrangements and through seminars.
6. Jágrti and Miscellaneous Section Encourage the Márgiis to start jágrtis; to maintain jágrtis properly; and to do all miscellaneous work of Dharma Pracára Dept. not included in Section 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.


Duties and Responsibilities of Dharma Pracára Secretary Central

1. Popularising Ánanda Márga and its literature by carrying on intensive pracára with the help of pracára van and other vehicles.

2. Popularising Ánanda Márga by carrying on Pracára through the 5 P’s: press, publications, platform, pada yatra (travelling and doing pracára) and public contact.

3. Issuing necessary circulars regarding pracára month, welfare month, táttvikas training, ácárya training and other training.

4. Issuing circulars regarding Dharma Mahásammelana, tour programme of PP and other important information.

5. Maintaining proper records of Unit, district and other committees of Ánanda Márga and doing all other necessary work in connection with those committees.

6. Encouraging workers and the general márgiis to propagate the ideology of Ánanda Márga forming committees as well to find the best psychological means to unite the public to march on collectively towards the cosmic beatitude.

7. Maintaining proper record of pracára vans and other vehicles and pracára equipment and maintaining them in proper order.

8. Doing publicity work of Ánanda Márga in cooperation with Public Relations Secretary and popularising the literature of Ánanda Márga in cooperation with the Publication Secretary.

9. Submitting requisitions to appropriate departments for proper books, booklets and cheap literature; and submitting to Publicity Department to get duplicate copies of recorded tapes, files etc for public contact.

10. Maintaining strict vigilance and condor eyes on different sections and organisations of Ánanda Márga (general), and different schools, homes, hostels, and other Units of ERAWS, regarding the moral standard and implicit faith in ideology among the people concerned.

11. Any item that will be considered essential for Dharma Pracára

* Forming Ánanda Márga Committees and supervising the work of those Committees.

* Keeping a watchful eye on the conduct of whole timers.

* Keeping a watchful eye on the conduct of general márgiis.

* Character building and other training for workers.

* Character building and other training for general márgiis.

* To see the functions as per Caryácarya I are conducted.


Duties of DPVI (Dharma Pracára Van In-charge)

* Sales of books and proper account of sale proceeds
* Display of films
* Sale of recorded talks, Prabháta Saḿgiita, Bhajans
* Addressing the general public regarding the ideology of Ánanda Márga

Books, literature and other articles received from the publications department on credit should be treated as the property of the publication department and hence the sales proceeds should go to their account.

Expenditure incurred in connection with DPVI or DPV Assistant and also the expenditure incurred in connection with the repair or maintenance of vans should be borne by the Dharma Pracára Department.

Expense of books or any other articles presented to any person of the organisation as complimentary copies should be borne by Publicity Department, so the DPVI should obtain the written permission of the Publicity Secretary before making such a presentation.

The maximum speed per hour of Pracára vans should be 25 miles or corresponding kms. The limit may be changed by General Secretary in the future.

The main duty of DPVA is to drive the van and look after its proper repair and maintenance. He is also to do other work according to the direction of DPVI.

Dharma Pracára Department will also collect the registration fees of the Units.


Duties of DPS at all levels below Central

Duties of different levels of Dharma Pracára Secretary other than DPS Central/

* Get implemented the Dharma Pracára policies approved by central on that level and supervise the implementation below level.

* To publish newsletter on all levels

* To create and implement new ideas in propagation of dharmic ideals through classes, lectures, slide shows, literature, leaflet, magazines, video show etc.

* To see the discipline and conduct of the whole timer and ánanda márgiis as per conduct are maintained.

* To see that márgiis spiritual care is taken by workers and márgiis.

* To see that márgii treasures are upheld with all dignity and decorum.

* To see jágrtis are well maintained.

* To see that DC is conducted in every Unit and that the Units is regular in communication with the Dharma pracára Department.

* To see that the Units renewal is done and the Units registration fee is collected and duly submitted.

* To see that all reports and returns are properly submitted of the department.

* To keep an updated list of all Units and offices of Ánanda Márga and of márgiis up to that level and central office.

* To see that ACBs are fully utilized.


Monthly Reports to Submit


Five Common

1) Initiation Mention the Name and Surname, address, tel. number, e-mail address, date of birth and the date of initiation, and specify if it is Nama Mantra or First Lesson.

2) Follow up Review of lesson. Specify which lesson was reviewed and or which lesson was given.

3) DDC Door to Door Contacts

4) WT/LFT Creation Whole Timer & Local Full Timer sent to Training Center since last report.

5) Fund Collection Either regular or special donation received; excluding income from commercial activities such as selling books, CDs, yoga classes, renting rooms, etc.


Finance Reports

a) Personal Income and Expenditures b) Project/S under Direct Supervision


Post Tour Out-Turn

* Consolidated explanation of date and places visited and work done.


Tour Program

* Consolidated date and places to visit and the work intended to accomplish.


Regular Dues


Dharma Pracára Structural Side ACB Jurisdiction &Logistic Operation

* Central Dharma Pracára Secretary ACB Central Level Jurisdiction

* Sectorial Dharma Pracára Secretary ACB Sectorial Level Jurisdiction

* Regional Dharma Pracára Secretary ACB Regional Level Jurisdiction

* Diocese Dharma Pracára Secretary ACB Diocese Level Jurisdiction

* District Dharma Pracára Secretary ACB District Level Jurisdiction

* Block Dharma Pracára Secretary ACB Block Level Jurisdiction

* Paiñcayat Dharma Pracára Secretary ACB Paiñcayat Level Jurisdiction

* Village Dharma Pracára Secretary ACB Village Level Jurisdiction


Dharma Pracára Sectorial Ácárya Jurisdiction and Logistic Operation

* The Sectorial Dharma Pracára Secretary is

Ác. xxx Avt.
Has been posted in Manila Sector on ____________
His main Office is located


Contact Number/
