Cadre Guidelines
The Cadre Control Department is to see that proper coordination and cooperation are maintained amongst the different types of Cadres in the organisation:
1. WT Whole Timer Cadre
2. LFT Local Full Timer Cadre
3. Elected Cadres Pradhána and Pramukha
4. Selected Cadres ACB and Local Guides
5. PKB Púrńa Kaliin Bandhu Cadre
6. SKB Svalpa Kaliin Bandhu Cadre
Posting of Workers
The Cadre Control Department is managed through a pyramidal structure. The structure is built according to the growth of the organisation. In the first place, the Central and Sectorial level workers are posted. In the subsequent phases other levels will be posted. The head of the Cadre Control Department is Global Secretary at the central level. Each sector will have a Sectorial Cadre Control Secretary (SCCS).
Duties and Responsibilities of Sectorial Cadre Control Secretary or SCCS
1. To maintain high standard of coordination and cooperation amongst all types of Cadres of the organisation.
2. To see that all the cadres are following the conduct rules (CR) and 16 points very strictly.
3. To be vigilant that the cadres are utilising their potentialities for the establishment and development of the organisation.
4. The SCCS will collect the reports/information about the different types of cadres through the Dept/Wing head of the sector.
5. To assist, help and guide to increase the efficiency of WTs so that the standard of efficiency of other types of cadres (LFT, Pradhána and Pramukha) are increased through their regular contact and vigilance.
6. To send monthly report of the WT cadres to the Central Cadre Control Secretary on the following proforma:
7. The SCCS will maintain the records of the Trade Cadres (LFT, Elected and Selected cadres).
8. The monthly reports of LFTs and other Cadres of the sector will be taken by departmental/wing heads of the sector and will be maintained in their Sectorial offices.
9. The SCCS will try to rectify any defect in any cadre with the help of Sectorial DPS, wing head or senior workers. If they fail, SCCS will request help from the Sectorial Secretary and if that fails then SCCS will immediately inform Central Cadre Control Secretary or CCCS.
10. The SCCS will have to send the central dues of the department to the CCC Secretary every month without fail through WRDS representative.
11. To see that all types of cadres maintain the structural solidarity of the organisation.
Structure of Cadre Control Department
Central Cadre Control Secretary
Sectorial Cadre Control Secretary
Monthly Reports to Submit
CCS Report of Manila Sector of the month of ___________
S.L. No.
Name of WT
CR / 16 points