The Farm Department will work in coordination with the Master Unit Department to develop agriculture, gardening, sericulture, bee-keeping, animal husbandry, dairy farming, plant and soil protection, irrigation, conservation and ecology. The Farm Department will also foster a good relationship with all groups both public and private who are related to the above activities.

* Promote plant and soil protection and ecologic conservation.

* Contact biological schools in the Sector, foster cooperation on common goals.

* Train people in organic farming by applying the guideline in the book Ideal Farming from Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti

* Publish a monthly newsletter to keep the Márgiis and public updated about latest trends and ideas in farming.

The Farm Department Has Nine Sections

1. Agriculture

2. Gardening

3. Sericulture (silkworm breeding)

4. Animal Husbandry I (dairy farm)

5. Animal Husbandry II (all other branches other than dairy farm)

6. Irrigation

7. Seed, manure, plant protection and soil protection

8. Veterinary

9. Farm Products


Duties and Responsibilities of Secretary, Farm Department:

1. To see that each and every inner compound, outer compound and sector has been demarcated.

2. To see whether all inner compounds have been properly utilised or not.

3. To demarcate agricultural land from the outer compound of a building and bring it under plough. Such agricultural plots of land are to be named Agricultural Farm plot no.1 (AFP1), AFP2, AFP3 etc. Similarly, for dairy farm (DF) - DFP1, DFP2, etc

4. To maintain all accounts, records and stocks in connection with Farm Department (including different sections such as Gardening, etc) and prepare a monthly statement of receipt and expenditure for the entire department and reconcile with general book.

All receipt and expenditure in connection with farms (other than garden of inner compound) are to be included in the account of Farm Department as divided among different sections (gardening, agriculture, dairy farm, sericulture, etc).

In the initial stage, if the Farm Department lacks in sufficient funds, the Department, may get funds from General Department as a loan and repay the loan conveniently and in suitable installments.


Land Utilisation Policy

Gardening of inner compound is to be managed by the holder of the compound and the produce thereof may go to the compound holder fully or partially (50%), as is to be decided by the General Secretary.

In case of outer compound, if the farming is done by the Farm Department, then the produce will go fully to the Farm Department and the land tax for that portion of the outer compound is to be borne not by the holder of that outer compound but by Farm Department.

If any portion of the outer compound is used for the purpose of gardening by the compound holder, then the produce will be equally divided between Farm Department and the compound holder. Land tax should be borne equally by both the parties.

The Farm Department holds the right to carve out any portion of an outer compound as an independent farm compound. In that case, that compound should not be treated as a part of any other compound. Such an arrangement, however, depends on the approval of Land Department.

If Land Department considers that a portion of inner compound is very suitable for agriculture or farming (excepting gardening), then the Department may carve out that portion of inner compound and treat it as a part of outer compound or as an independent compound.

Farming Expenditure Policy

All the expenditures incurred in connection with Land, Farm and Construction Department for workers, and other incidental charges, are to be borne by the concerned Department, as is done by all other Departments. Expenditure in connection with digging a well to supply drinking water is to be borne equally by Farm Department and water supply section of Construction Department (in urban areas, the entire expenditure for digging wells may be borne by Construction Department because there is less chance of well’s utilisation for irrigation).


Sales Procedure of Products of Farm Department

Products of Farm Department are to be sold by that department only to the Food Department or Social Security Department.

Sale proceeds should always be in cash (there must not be any paper transactions). The rates of different products are to be fixed by the Farm Department in consultation with the concerned board.

Products may be sold to any other party or parties with prior approval of immediate higher authority, - if the authorized purchasing departments, i.e. Food Department, Commerce Department and Social Security Department express their inability to purchase a product at the scheduled rate.


Profit from the Farm Sales

40% of the net profit will go to support the Children Home; The remaining is for the maintenance and development of the farm.


Procedure Order In Connection With Starting, Maintaining And Financing Botanical Gardens, Parks, Groves, Road Trees, By-Road Trees, Riverbank Trees, Beauty Spots, Etc.


The duty and responsibility of starting and maintaining above-mentioned items lay with the Gardening Section of Farm Department. The financial responsibility in case of botanical garden lies with the Education Section or any concerned institution of the Education Section. Any garden or garden-like item having some concern with any other section should also get a grant from that section or that department to defray its expenses.

All other items mentioned above should be the financial responsibility of the Communication Section of Construction Department.

Bring all cultivable land under cultivation, start dairy, sheep, goat, bee and poultry projects. To mechanise the Agriculture Farm as far as possible.


To see that all taxes are paid regularly to proper authority.


Workers of Farm Department

1. Central Farm Secretary

2. Assistant Farm Secretary

3. Veterinary Surgeon (Under the technical supervision of Assistant Development Manager Livestock, but under the developmental supervision of Farm Secretary.

4. Assistant Agriculture Secretary

5. Assistant Gardening Secretary.

6. Assistant Sericulture Secretary.

7. Assistant Irrigation Secretary.

8. Assistant Seed, manure, plant and soil protection Secretary.

9. Assistant Animal Husbandry 1 Dairy Farm Secretary
10. Assistant Animal Husbandry 2 All Branches other than Dairy Farm Secretary


FARPRO - Farm Products - Is a Section of FARM Department



* To increase the speed of progress the Farm Department of ÁMPS has to increase the Farm production. FARPRO must be productive wherever we have a land that is cultivatable.

* The Farm Secretary shall be the Ex-officio FARPRO Secretary Central. The first duty of FARPRO Secretary Central is to bring all cultivatable lands into one of the 4 categories of Farms:


A Category Farms

Farms whose total production (Agriculture / Horticulture / Sericulture / Floriculture / Dairy Products / Poultry, etc.) or their money value, is sufficient to meet the total requirement of staple food (wheat, paddy, grains, oats, potato, tapioca, etc.) and raw materials of clothes (raw cotton, mulberry, silk and raw material) of all members of our charity homes (children’s, sisters, invalid homes) situated within the same Dit /B/ P V/. If the land is meager in acreage, we are to attach more importance to agriculture, dairy and poultry. It is expected to make our homes less dependent on donations because there will be income from INPRO as well.

B Category Farms

Farms which do not come in the category A) but its productions or money value is sufficient to meet the “Tiffin” expenditure of our homes.


C Category Farms

Farms which do not come within A) or B) but are economically self supporting.


D Category Farms

Farms which are non-economic holding - expenditure is more than income.


* Activate all cultivable lands of Ánanda Márga in order to meet the total requirements of staple food for all homes and institutions of Ánanda Márga in the Sector.

* Produce cash crops and farm products necessary for the financial maintenance and expansion of the farms.


Workers of FARPRO

The Farm Secretary Central shall have his cadre of workers from top to bottom line from Sector to Village level. Farm Workers up to the Regional level shall be Avadhúta; if an Avadhúta is not readily available the work may be temporarily managed by WT or LFT (using the word acting, with their designation). Farm Workers below regional level shall be WT; if WT is not readily available the work may be temporarily managed by the LFT or LPT using the word “acting” with their designation.


FARPRO Workers Qualifications * They must be strong in 16 points. * They must have a fair knowledge of farming producers, cooperatives system and its system of keeping books and accounts.


FARPRO Global Training Center (GBFAC)

There in GBFAC, workers are to learn Vaeshycita seva and shudrocita seva, farming and producers cooperatives system. It is also to be located in the same building as those of GBTAC OFÁ and GBTING of INPRO. Assistant FARPRO Secretary Central (GBTFAC) will be the same worker as Assistant ÁMUS Secretary Central and Assistant INPRO Secretary Central but in this particular case he will work under the supervision of FARPRO Secretary Central.


FARPRO LFT Training Center

The LFT training center of GBTAC shall also function as LFT TC of GBTING and GVTFAG


Its movement of “Water for all land” should be based on practical modern scientific ideas.


Two magazines should be published at Central Level and Sectorial Level every year. Publications below the Sectorial Level are optional.


FARM Sectorial Ácárya Jurisdiction and Logistic Operation

The Sectorial Farm Secretary, Ác. Viitaragánanda Avt. Has been posted in Manila Sector on His main Office is locate in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Contact Number


Farm Manager

Assistant Farm Manager



Sericulture Assistant

Animal Husbandry I - Dairy Farm

Animal Husbandry II - All branches other than Dairy Farms


Under technical Supervision of Assistant Development Manager (Live Stock) but under the departmental supervision of Farm Manager.


Irrigation Assistant Under Technical Supervision of Assistant Manager (Water Supply) but under departmental Supervision Assistant Farm Manager


Veterinary Surgeon Under the technical supervision of assistant development manager (Live Stock) but under the departmental supervision of Farm Manager.


Monthly Reports to Submit

Five Common

1) Initiation Mention the Name and Surname, address, tel. number, e-mail address, date of birth and the date of initiation, and specify if it is Nama Mantra or First Lesson.

2) Follow up Review of lesson. Specify which lesson was reviewed and or which lesson was given.

3) DDC Door to Door Contacts

4) WT/LFT Creation Whole Timer & Local Full Timer sent to Training Center since last report.

5) Fund Collection Either regular or special donation received; excluding income from commercial activities such as selling books, CDs, yoga classes, renting rooms, etc.

Finance Reports

a) Personal Income and Expenditures

b) Project/S under Direct Supervision


Post Tour Out-Turn

* Consolidated explanation of date and places visited and work done.


Tour Program

* Consolidated date and places to visit and the work intended to accomplish.

Regular Dues

Farm Structural Side ACB Jurisdiction &Logistic Operation

* Central Farm Secretary ACB Central Level Jurisdiction

* Asst. Farm Secretary Central ACB Central Level Jurisdiction Supporting

* Sectorial Farm Secretary ACB Sectorial Level Jurisdiction

* Regional Farm Secretary ACB Regional Level Jurisdiction

* Diocese Farm Secretary ACB Diocese Level Jurisdiction

* District Farm Secretary ACB District Level Jurisdiction

* Block Farm Secretary ACB Block Level Jurisdiction

* Paiñcayat Farm Secretary ACB Paiñcayat Level Jurisdiction

* Village Farm Secretary ACB Village Level Jurisdiction

FARM Sectorial Ácárya Jurisdiction and Logistic Operation

The Sectorial Farm Secretary is Ác. Avt.

Has been posted in Manila Sector on

His main Office is located in


