AMPS Structure PART-19

AMPS Structure Number :- 19

AMPS Structure. Number :- 19

Administrative structure.

The AMPS structure has been discussed in the previous parts of the WT Workers' structure as the Central Committee (legislature) and the Central Executive Committee (executive). And now we will try to discuss it in more detail in this part.

As mentioned. That the directly supreme head of the AMPS structure is the President of AMPS. But even if the President makes any change or amendment in any policy, it is very important to get approval from the Purodha Pramukh. And the President gets his administrative arrangements in the organization done by the General Secretary of the AMPS structure. Therefore, information about the arrangements made by the General Secretary i.e. his responsibilities becomes very important. Which are as follows.

1) The General Secretary exercises complete control (on the basis of policy selection, procedure orders) of the Central Executive Committee of AMPS. >

2) The General Secretary fulfills the responsibility of propagating and establishing the ideology of Ananda Marga through his orders and instructions throughout the world through the colleagues under him in the pyramid structure of AMPS. Which is a network of organizations from the Sectoral Secretary of every sector to the Village Secretary.

3) General Secretary All the departments or trades of AMPS. They also perform the responsibilities of supervisory workers.

4) AMPS structure works to control the ACB Advisory Committee and Board of all the trades and departments from globe level to village level.

Here we will try to discuss the responsibilities of the General Secretary in small parts so that we can easily understand the structure of AMPS

1) The General Secretary is the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the AMPS structure. And the Central Office Secretary is its convener. Operation of Central Executive Committee (Based on procedure selection, procedure order). And if any kind of problem arises while running the organization. So let's solve that. This Central Executive Committee consists of global heads of all departments and trades of the organization.

2) The General Secretary fulfills the responsibility of propagating and establishing the ideology of Ananda Marga through his orders and instructions throughout the world through the colleagues under him in the pyramid structure of AMPS. Which is a network of organizations from the Sectoral Secretary of every sector to the Village Secretary. Which is of this type.

In the AMPS structure the entire globe is divided into 9 sectors. Each part is called a sector. And the person in charge of this sector is called Sectoral Secretary. And the Sectoral Secretary has a pyramidal structure in his sector, in which the Sectoral Secretary is the head of the entire sector.

Sectoral Secretary


Regional Secretary, RS/L

Regional Head and Regional Level ACB


Diocese Secretary, DS/L

Diocese Head and Diocese Level ACB


det secretary

Dit.S End Dit Level Head

and det level acb |

Block Secretary (B.S),

Block Level Head and Block Level ACB


Panchayat Secretary, Panchayat Head,

And Panchayat Level ACB

Village Secretary, Village Level Head and Village Level ACB

In this structure, Diocese Secretary i.e. DS is also the head of his diocese. Some officers also come under them who have the responsibility of directly supervisory workers.

Diocese Secretary/D.S


elected bhuktipradhan


elected deputy chief


elected panchayat chief


Elected Village Chief


Appointed Unit Secretary

Is the responsibility of the Diocese Secretary. To implement the ideology of Anand Marg and the programs given by the Central Government in our diocese through Bhuktipradhan. Bhuktipradhan acts as a bridge between the routes and the WT structure/central.

3) General Secretary, all the departments or trades of AMPS. They also perform the responsibilities of supervisory workers. And through them they implement or establish ideology and all other human welfare schemes all over the world.

4) The General Secretary also controls the ACB Advisory Committee and Board of all the trades and departments of the AMPS structure from the globe level to the village level.

AMPS consists of the following ACB Advisory Committees and Boards.

Acharya Mantrachetanand Avadhoot

